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Writer's pictureDaniel Henshaw

[05/05/2022] Killfeed System

I created a killfeed canvas in order to display the kills, deaths, and weapon used. This helps players keep track of their score.

Killfeed Script:

This killfeed script receives kill/death events and managers the killfeed. It does this by instantiating a 'KillfeedItemPrefab' gameobject. It then runs the initialize script and sends over the killers name, dead players name, and weapon used. I decided to set the transform of the gameobject to the first child which set the position of the object to the top. I also made the item delete itself after 5 seconds which stops the killfeed getting too clogged up.

Killfeed Item Script:

This script sets the killer, dead player and weapon image on the killfeed item.


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