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Writer's pictureDaniel Henshaw

[11/05/2022] Movement Shooter Devlog | Week 7 | Weapon System, Level Design & More Music

[Intro] - Dan

Hello there, welcome back to our movement shooter devlogs. This is our 2nd to last week on this project and there is still a lot to get finished. In this video, we will be going through what we have done over the past week and also what we will be working on through our final week.

[Overview] - James

This week, I’ve primarily focused on level design. I’ve been trying to fill out my level with textured assets and so far have been focusing on the construction site. I’ve researched into the items you would generally find in a construction site and created a list of things I thought I could create and texture quickly. These assets were all created using the same workflow as the rest of my work. I also slightly edited the building itself, because it was previously very boxy and boring to look at. I added a few extra walls to provide more cover for the player and added some metal pipes sticking out of certain areas to make it feel more like it’s under construction. I’m still working on the last couple of assets to include in the construction site, but it’s almost completely full and I’ll be ready to move on to the next building.

The next big area I want to focus on and get right is the skybox and ground texture. Due to the low image resolution, I’m using it makes creating a good quality ground quite challenging. Currently, I think the best solution to this will be to subdivide the plane used for the ground and then texture each smaller plane to maintain some of the quality. The skybox is also something I want to research into. From messing around in unity I think the 6 sided skybox shader is the best option as it allows me to import my own textures, but I’ll look into it further as I think the skybox is a really important feature when replicating PS1 graphics.

[Overview] - Dan

Over the past week, I have been working on fixing the scoreboard and killfeed bugs. As well as this I started working on a modular IK weapon system. This was built upon my current weapon system and allows the player to swap weapons as well as allow easy implementation of a weapon pickup system. Once the pickup system is fully complete I will move my focus onto more UI as I want to include emote & player customization. I also hope to include a leaderboard system.

However, my main focus will be on the presentation of my final product and finishing the theory side of this project as that is the main thing needed on the mark scheme. This includes updating my production blog, creating a finished product (the game itself, a trailer, and images), an evaluation, and finally completing a bibliography.

[Overview] - Oscar

Hi again, over the past week I have been working on the multiplayer music. I have finished three of these. These being match starts and the victory/defeat themes. This means I have only two songs left. A possible song to go after the outcome theme and another to possibly go before the time limit of a match finishes. I will finish these for the coming week.

[Outro] - Dan

We will be working super hard over the next couple of days to get this project in a suitable state. This will allow us time to create a trailer and finish the rest of our project brief hopefully getting us the highest possible grade. We hope you’ve enjoyed this series so far and hope to see you again in the next and final devlog on this project. Thank you for watching. If you have any feedback feel free to reach out to us on our socials linked in the description below of leave us a comment.


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